Our Pastor and First Lady

Tracy Jennings
located in Joliet, Illinois.
Upon the purchase in the Fall of 2008, Pastor Tracy Jennings took a thorough assessment of the overall condition of the community and found that there was the need for improvement, not for the sole sake of the church but for the residents. Pastor Tracy Jennings is a man of action and isn’t afraid to challenge the status quo to help enhance the lives of those around him.
Pastor Tracy Jennings greatly credits his father, the late Pastor U.T. Jennings who was also a founding Pastor, for guiding his early spiritual life and setting a first-class example of what a true servant leader should be. Pastor Tracy Jennings earned his Bachelor Degree in Psychology from Northern Illinois University. He holds a Bachelor degree in Telecommunications Management from DeVry University and completed graduate courses at the University of Illinois Springfield as well Moody Theological Seminary.
Pastor Tracy Jennings is married to Cynthia Jennings and a proud father and grandfather.

Cynthia Jennings
First Lady
The First Lady and Ministry Director of Total Christian Life Ministry, Cynthia Jennings faithfully serves under the leadership of her husband Founder and Pastor Tracy Jennings. As one of the founding members, First Lady Jennings has been able to use her organizational and administrative skills acquired while working at the non-profit level to help build Total Christian Life Ministry from its inception.
First Lady Jennings has been instrumental in helping create and maintain a functionally efficient and effective church process that ensures the House of the Lord is operating decently and in order (1 Corinthians 14:40).
First Lady Jennings is the founder of PEARLS Women’s Ministry, the creator of the PEARLStoPONDER blog and a published author. First Lady Jennings holds a Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education
from the University of Iowa; she received training in Spiritual Formation and Discipleship from Moody Theological Seminary, and in 2018 was awarded her Master of Arts in Christian Life Coaching and Mentorship with High Distinction from Trinity College of the Bible and Trinity Theological Seminary.