The First Lady and Ministry Director of Total Christian Life Ministry, Cynthia Jennings faithfully serves under the leadership of her husband Founder and Pastor Tracy Jennings.

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First Lady Jennings has been successful at the non-profit level as a former
Director for The Salvation Army Head Start program where she prepared
her site from beginning to completion for accreditation, she was a partner
in a real estate appraisal company, as well as being heavily involved in the
community by serving on several boards of one being the Vice President
of the School Parent Teacher Organization.
As one of the founding members, First Lady Jennings has been able to use
her organizational and administrative skills acquired while working at the
non-profit level to help build Total Christian Life Ministry from its
inception. She compiled and completed all state and federal documents
from the assumed name to the 501 (c) 3 registering as a non-profit
organization recognized by the State of Illinois. She has also been able to
assist other start up ministries with the process of compiling and
completing state and federal documents.
First Lady Jennings has been instrumental in helping create and maintain
a functionally efficient and effective church process that ensures the
House of the Lord is operating decently and in order (1 Corinthians 14:40).
She has developed church by-laws, auxiliary job descriptions, biblical
assessments for ministry leaders, locating vendors, as well as maintaining
and keeping all important and legal documents current. She is also the
overseer of several auxiliaries.
She has a passion for ministry, but her greatest passion is to see women
living at their fullest God-given potential, on May 27, 2010, PEARLS
Women’s ministry was birthed. On November 2, 2016, The Lord also
placed a prayer burden in First Lady Jennings concerning Pastor’s Wives
and Ministry Mates, (the wives of ministry leaders). Empowerment Place:
You’re Not Alone (EPYNA) was established. EPYNA’s purpose is to create
synergy between Pastors wives and Ministry Mates to develop a
community of support and encouragement.
First Lady Jennings has expanded her passion of helping women live their
fullest God-given potential by revealing honesty and transparency in her
first published book, “AHHHHH!!! I Can’t Take This Anymore. My Journey
Through Perimenopause.”
First Lady Jennings holds a Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education
from the University of Iowa; she received training in Spiritual Formation
and Discipleship from Moody Theological Seminary, and in 2018 was
awarded her Master of Arts in Christian Life Coaching and Mentorship
with High Distinction from Trinity College of the Bible and Trinity
Theological Seminary.
Her greatest blessing is having the honor of being a wife, mother, and